By Katrina Rasbold

Too Early For Christmas??

Blasphemer!!  It's NEVER too early for Christmas and as soon as Halloween skitters back into the storage rooms of department stores across the nation, it's time to start plotting and scheming out the contents of those gaily colored packages cluttering up the space under a murdered evergreen tree.

Never have I seen a town more in need of Christmas cheer than Port Charles.  They got needs, baby!  I'm starting my Christmas list right now so my General Hospital gifts are all up to speed when the time comes.  Heck, I think they deserve them early after the year they've had.  It might even benefit us to make these gifts a priority.  *sigh*  The joys of giving, don'tcha know.

Without further ado, here is an exclusive peek at my Christmas list:


Figure it out

      A gift certificate... For a long, long time
                                           (Go to Yahoo search, look up "Dr Melfi")

                                                                    single story, no stairs

Ah... I see Lorenzo already
received his gift certificate

  Maternity support belt
I figure it's going to be hard enough for her to
keep a backbone strong with Ric around and
now she's pregnant too, so she needs all the
help she can get!



                                         and this
                                         and still expecting this.

  Say no more

Me thinks someone
                                          has forgotten who he is!


fame comes to
some.  click
to enlarge.

Several years' worth of these...
with LOTS of lines
for each of them

The real one


It's when they shine their
absolute brightest.

A match made in heaven!
(or hell)


Better harness & reel that beast in
Nik.  Y'just don't mess
with a man's wife!

And with that, my GH shopping is done!  The good news is that with these gifts firmly intact, GH is going to become a whole lot more of what I want to watch!

Take care all,