Dishin the soaps with the Eye on Soaps Co-webmaster

December 31, 2002

Oddly enough, I had two separate people ask for columns from the past this week…the same column, so I’m going to follow the flow and think that possibly others might be interested in reading a couple of columns of old.  Both of these were during the previous reign of Robert Guza as Head Writer for General Hospital, prior to the Jill Farren Phelps/Meagan McTavish regime. 

The first one was written in January of 2000 when I was just starting to cultivate my extreme disdain for Guza: 

I have re-edited to add the names of the women I was talking about and it is interesting to note that most of them are now a part of GH history.  

The second was originally written in September of 2000 after I was firmly ensconced in a white-hot hatred for all things Guza, which was muted only by the McTavish year.  As I said when he returned, “This is better, but only a baby step better.” 

I’ll be back around with a proper Soap Journal very soon!  Things are still uproarious here from the holidays.  

Hope you have a sterling new year!!


E-mail Katrina


December 20, 2002

December 4, 2002

The One About Soap Couple Names

The One About Soap People
Who Look Like Real People

The One About Why Soaps Don't 
Go The Way We Want Them To

The One About Jason and Liz
July 2002

Katrina's Soap Journal
June 2002

Katrina's Soap Journal
April-May 2002

Katrina's Soap Journal
March 2002

Katrina's Soap Journal
February 2002

Katrina's Soap Journal
January 2002

Katrina's Soap Journal
December 2001

Katrina's Soap Journal
November 2001

Katrina's Soap Journal
October 2001

Katrina's Soap Journal
September 2001

Katrina's Soap Journal
August 2001

Katrina's Soap Journal
March - August 2001

Katrina's Soap Journal
March, 2001

Katrina's Soap Journal
January 1-March 20, 2001

Katrina's Soap Journal, 
December 22-31, 2000

Katrina's Soap Journal, 
December 1-22, 2000

Best of the Journal Weekly Column

Other Old Journals

Katrina's "On the Soap Box" columns

Katrina's Profile

Katrina's NonSoapy Journal


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