The Ever Changing Musical Faces of Childhood

*sniff*  And it seems like just earlier this year they were so small!  Wait!  They were!

Nosiest, Most Obnoxious, Pushy, Pain-in-the-Ass,
Destructive Sister in the History of Siblings

Leading us to...

Most Gratifying Death Scene

Ahhh.  You can hear the silence.

Dude With the Worst Timing Like EVER

So Sonny threatens Alexis when she's in the hospital with toxemia or whatever, pops in on the moment of Kristina's death to ask just what the hell she wanted with him when she was getting blown up and then comes to Neonatal ICU for a lawyer reference as Alexis' baby goes into cardiac arrest.  I'm starting to think Alexis is right.  He *IS* the Angel of Death!

Poor Child Who Is Most Screwed Over and Doesn't Know It

Fortunately, when both parents were presumed dead at different times this year, no one ever got around to telling him, saving him from incredible, yet unnecessary, grief!  Thank God for Leticia or this would be one traumatized kid!

Welcome to Zanuary!

Most Amazing Recovery In the History of Modern Medicine

From "You'll Never Walk Again" to full mobility and an active sex life in 23 minutes!

Best Family Whipping Post

Best Surprise Guest Appearance

One of my favorite Monkees, Mickey Dolenz,
as Luke's Anger Management Guru

Most Fun Return of a Character

Who would know that the uptight little
debutante broad from the yacht would
turn out to be fun as Roseanne & Sally?

Coolest Person to Ever Hit Port Charles
OK, so maybe I'm a little biased.


Special thanks to the following sites for use of their screen captures:

All other pics were donated by readers.  If yours is here and you'd
like credit, please let me know and I'll give it.