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Eliot Freeman
David Beecroft

The Reverend Eliot Freeman arrived in Pine Valley in May 2000, and began working at the Brooke English House.  He and Brooke became friends, and through working together and the rescue of an abused boy, Ricky,  their friendship began to deepen.  Their relationship could have turned to something more if it weren't for his secret:  he was once Josh Waleski, the off-duty policeman who, drunk, ran over and killed Brooke's daughter Laura.  In prison for the crime, he took severe beatings from other inmates and required much plastic surgery, thus disguising his appearance.  He also 'got religion' and took his new name to symbolize his new life.  His original plan was to return to Pine Valley to beg Brooke's forgiveness, but when he couldn't bring himself to tell her the truth, he was transferred.  The story came out when Ricky's father tried to exact revenge on the Reverend for taking his son away from him, and blurted out the truth to Brooke. The Reverend tried to explain, but nothing he said could placate Brooke.